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Dublin is a hugely popular city with tourists, but is Dublin safe for solo female travellers?
According to a 2022 study, Ireland was ranked the safest country for solo female travellers. The study only surveyed 30 countries (most of them in Europe).
It doesn’t give the most well rounded analysis of what the safest countries for solo female travellers is, but it does say something that Ireland was at the top of the list.
That study showcased that Ireland as a whole is safe, but is Dublin safe?
I’ve been to Dublin a few times, and I can honestly say that it is safe, but I would by no means say that Dublin is the safest I’ve ever felt as a solo female traveller.
That prize goes to South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.
But, all things considered, Dublin is safe.
As long as you take reasonable precautions and don’t do anything too stupid. I’m a big believer of everywhere is as safe as you make it.
Meaning that if you follow the local norms, don’t break the law, and use common sense, you shouldn’t run into any trouble.
That being said, there are a few things you need to know in order to stay safe in Dublin as a solo female traveller.
What I wish I knew before backpacking Europe alone
Is Dublin Safe?
Just in case you skimmed the intro and just want to get to the heart of the question, I thought I would reiterate that Dublin is safe for solo female traveller.
That doesn’t mean you can’t get yourself into trouble in Dublin. You definitely can.
But, the average tourist doesn’t have anything to worry about and can enjoy their trip to Dublin.
Dublin Safety Tips
As I mentioned, there are a few safety tips you should know to make sure you’re safe on your trip to Dublin.
Common sense will get you most of the way there, but there are a few extra things I wanted to point out.
By following these tips, the answer to the question is Dublin safe for solo female travellers is most assuredly yes!

Don’t Overindulge in Alcohol
Dublin has a reputation of being a city that loves to drink. Pubs are everywhere, and locals enjoy their pints.
The one thing that makes we question is Dublin safe for solo female travellers is the drinking culture.
It is so easy to get swept up in it and then end up in a bad situation.
Trust me. Been there. Done that. And it was actually my trip to Dublin that made me put a hard drink cap of two on myself because I didn’t want to get in a sticky situation while travelling alone.
Most people (even solo travellers) end up in at least one pub while in Dublin. You’ll probably meet some nice locals and end up staying longer than you planned.
And quite possibly drinking more than planned.
In order to stay safe, you should give yourself a drinking limit and have a reliable plan on how you’re getting back to your accommodation at the end of your evening out.
You should also avoid telling strangers exactly where you’re staying.
That sounds like a pretty obvious thing, but you’d be amazed at how many people I’ve overheard telling strangers exactly where they’re staying.
Everywhere around the world. Not just in Dublin.
Overcome your fear of travelling alone
Real Talk
Now, I’m not necessarily saying that if you have a few too many drinks that you’ll be in a bad situation, but you never know.
The people I’ve met in Dublin were incredibly kind and looked out for anybody who had a few more drinks than they should have, but you can’t count on the kindness of strangers.
As solo female travellers, I think we’re all too aware that there are people in the world who target women who are alone.
Especially women alone at night and even more so women who have had a few drinks.
It’s a very sad and unfortunate reality of being a woman travelling alone. Heck, being a women in general whether you’re in your home town or travelling.
I never recommend that women get drunk in public alone- especially when in a city they’re not familiar with.
A few drinks is totally fine.
You know your body, and you should know your limits. Know how many drinks (on average) it takes for you to start losing your inhibition and stop drinking before it gets to that point.
I know some people like to get drunk and have a good time while travelling. There are ways to do that safely, and it’s not going to a pub alone.
If you want to get drunk and party, I recommend going on a guided pub crawl.
There are companies that take tourists on pub crawls around Dublin, and they’re the safest way for solo female travellers to enjoy the nightlife without putting themselves at risk.
There is a guide who looks out for everybody on the tour and makes sure everybody gets home safe at the end of the night.
It costs a little bit more than going out on your own, but you can’t put a price on safety!

The Importance of Internet Safety
Internet safety is one of the most overlooked travel safety measures, and it needs to change.
Using the internet safely is essential for travelling, and not being internet safe could ruin your trip.
You rely on public wifi networks when travelling, and that puts your devices at risk of having your personal and private information stolen.
And you don’t want to go through the headache of having your banking information stolen while you’re on holiday. It’s a nightmare, and it leaves you in a difficult situation for the rest of your trip because all your cards are cancelled.
Even public wifi networks with a password aren’t safe because countless people are on that wifi network because they have the password.
The only way you can use public wifi networks safely is by installing a VPN on your devices.
A VPN puts a forcefield around your devices that makes it impossible for prying eyes to access your personal and private online data.
It makes using public wifi just as safe as using your home wifi where you’re the only person who knows the password.
Installing a VPN on your devices is a super small step you can take and will give you peace of mind on your trip.

My Favourite VPN
I’ve used a lot of different VPNs over my many years of travel. Honestly, most of them are terrible and slow your internet down so much that your devices are basically unusable.
I’ve turned off my VPN and put my personal information at risk too many times to count because the VPN I was using was so painfully slow that a basic webpage couldn’t load.
All my frustrations went away when I discovered NordVPN.
NordVPN is the fastest VPN on the market, which is why I love it and recommend it to my fellow travel lovers.
You need fast internet when you travel, and NordVPN allows you to have fast internet and stay safe online.
Well as fast of internet as the network you’re using allows.
I’ve been using NordVPN for years (and just renewed for another two years) and have never had an issue with it slowing down my devices.
The best part is that the cost per month of a two-year NordVPN subscription is less than a single Starbucks latte.
My philosophy is that if you can afford to travel, you can afford to protect your online data and privacy with a VPN.
Don’t Forget to Get an Esim!
Esims are a new technology that allows you to access photo data while abroad. All you have to do is purchase an esim on the website or app, download it to your phone, and you’ll all set! You can access the internet with data on your phone while in Dublin.
No need for an expensive roaming fee from your home carrier. No need to get a physical sim while abroad. And you get to keep your home phone number for texting while using your esim.
I’ll never travel without an esim again. I absolutely love them and everybody else I’ve convinced to get one love them as well.
I personally use Airalo. They have data packages for the most countries around the world compared to their competitors. They also have very affordable plans and reliable data networks all around the world.
They even offer regional esims. You can purchase one esim that works everywhere in Europe, so you don’t have to worry about getting a new esim in every new country on your European vacation.
If you don’t use much data, you may also want to look into Drimsim. They’re an esim company that charges you per MB you use rather than an upfront amount of data like Airalo.
If you choose to use Drimsim, I recommend you turn off your data whenever you’re not using it. This will help keep your cost low because your data won’t accidentally be running in the background.
But, all things considered, I still recommend Airalo even if you don’t plan on using much data. You pay up front, and it only costs a few dollars if you’re not getting more than 1 GB.
Be Careful Crossing the Street
This may seem silly, but one of the things that may change the answer to the question is Dublin safe from yes to no is crossing the street.
Cars drive on the left hand side of the road in Dublin.
Many tourists are used to cars driving on the right hand side of the road, and that causes problems when they’re trying to cross the street in Dublin.
They don’t look thoroughly before crossing the road, and this can cause major problems.
Luckily, it’s an easy fix!
Simply look both ways thoroughly before crossing the street. If there are any cars coming from either direction, don’t step out into traffic.
Most streets in tourist areas have markings reminding people what way to look. Take a quick peak down onto the road for a reminder what way the cars are coming at you from.
You can also just follow what the locals do.
If they start to cross, you can feel safe crossing with them. If they’re waiting around on the curb, it’s best to wait with them until they move.
It may sound like a small, simple thing, but you’ll be surprised at how many tourists you see nearly get hit by a car (or bus) because they’re not looking the right way before crossing the street.
You could make a drinking game out of it.
Avoid Talking About Politics
Ireland has a complicated political history. The last thing locals want is for a tourist to bring up politics and start commenting on (or trying to solve) the country’s politics.
Trust me. My bestie lives in Dublin (and has two Irish parents- one of which grew up in Northern Ireland), and she said everybody who has come to visit her has brought it up, and she hates it.
If you’re talking with locals, keep the conversation casual and don’t bring up politics.
I feel like this is a general rule wherever you travel, but it seems that people who visit Dublin really like bringing it up and talking about it.
Just don’t.
Talking about politics probably won’t make Dublin any less safe, but it will definitely make for a bad impression of you.
Oh. The same goes for sports.
If you’re not a sports fan and don’t have a strong opinion, it’s best to keep sports out of the conversation. Or at least declaring an allegiance to a sports team.
Again, talking about sports won’t make you any less safe in Dublin. But you’ll probably find yourself in the middle of a very heated discussion.

Pick Pocketing is Common
Most large cities have pick pocketers, and Dublin is no exception.
Whenever you’re in a crowded tourist area (like Temple Street), you should have an eye on your items and be on the lookout for pick pocketers.
Most people get lost in the excitement of being in Dublin and don’t pay attention to their surroundings. This is when pick pockets make their money.
There are a few easy tips that will help you avoid being pick pocketed in Dublin:
- Keep your purse or back in front of you (or on the front of your hip)
- Store your valuables in the pocket closest to your body to make things hard to steal
- If using a backpack, keep your valuables in one of the hidden compartments closest to your body
- Don’t carry all your money with you. Leave some at your hotel/hostel safely locked up
- Beware that pick pockets often work in pairs. Keep a close eye on your bag if someone stops you and asks if you dropped something or tries to have you take a survey or sign a petition
- Look confident
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You came here wondering is Dublin safe for solo female travellers. I hope you’re leaving knowing that Dublin is safe.
As long as you take reasonable precautions and use common sense.
Dublin is a vibrant city.
It’s a great place to start exploring Ireland, but it shouldn’t be the only place you visit.
Take the time to visit other cities in Ireland like Galway or Cork. And, of course, take in the nature.
Dublin (and Ireland) is a great place for solo female travellers.
You’ll feel safe, confident, and see interesting sights and sounds. Plus for most people, there isn’t much culture shock.
It’s a great city to experience if you’re new to solo travelling and want to get your feet wet before jumping into the deep end.