The Ultimate Disneyland Paris Packing List

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Congratulations! You just booked a trip to Disneyland Paris and now you have to figure out what items to put on your Disneyland Paris packing list.

Your Disneyland Paris packing list will look similar to your Disney World or Disneyland packing lists, but there are a few changes that you have to make. This guide will help you create the ultimate Disneyland Paris packing list, so you have everything you need with you in the parks!

External Battery

Disneyland Paris has free, public WiFi you can use in the parks. You can use your phone to view wait times on the Disneyland Paris app and post all your amazing photos!

You’ll be on your phone a lot, and your battery will die quicker than on a normal day.

Having an external battery will be a life saver and should be on everybody’s Disneyland Paris packing list! I prefer to carry an external battery with multiple USB charging ports. You can bring a lipstick external battery if you want one that takes up less room.

I never travel to a Disney park without an external battery! They are small and lightweight, so they aren’t troublesome to pack.


You’ll want to take lots of photos at Disneyland Paris! You can use an iPhone, but I find cameras take way better photos, and you’ll want the best photos possible to remember your trip!

I used this Canon point and shoot camera for years and still use it to this day when I don’t want to carry around my larger camera. It takes incredible photos, is lightweight, and is so small you can stick it in your pocket!

I currently use this Olympus mirrorless camera when I want to get higher-quality photos. I love it because it is shockingly lightweight for a camera of its size. It is so easy to carry in my purse, and I don’t feel like it is weighing me down!

The Olympus is also super easy to use, and even somebody with little to know knowledge of photography and cameras can use it with no problem. It is the perfect starter camera for anybody looking to upgrade to a level higher than a point and shoot.

If you decide on the Olympus camera, I recommend also purchasing the zoom lens. The lens the camera comes with is good and has a decent zoom, but the zoom lens takes your photography to the next level!

Walt Disney Studios


You will need a backpack at Disneyland Paris. You’ll have a number of things you want to carry with you in the parks, and a purse probably won’t have enough space.

I prefer a backpack that is a neutral colour and goes with any outfit, but there are tons of cute Disney-themed backpacks you can use too!

I recommend taking a backpack that has a place to put a water bottle on the outside. You do a lot of walking in Disneyland Paris, so you’ll be drinking a lot of water.

You don’t have to worry about where you’re going to put your bag while on the rides. You’re able to take your bag on every single Disneyland Paris attraction and store it at your feet. Even on the more thrilling rollercoasters that go upside down!

Comfortable Shoes

It isn’t a day at a Disney park if you’re feet aren’t sore at the end of it!

Comfortable shoes are a must on any Disneyland Paris packing list. You’ll deeply regret it if you happen to bring the wrong shoes to the parks. You want to avoid flip flop sandals, heels, or any shoe your feet get sore it.

I always wear my Columbia hiking shoes to Disneyland Paris. I’ve gone through four pairs at this point, and I keep buying them because they’re so comfortable. They are, admittedly, not the cutest shoes on the market, but you’re at Disney and nobody is looking at your feet.

You’ll be thankful at the end of a long day of walking that you have comfortable rather than stylish shoes!

If you are in the market for a more stylish shoe, I recommend the Sketchers Cleo flat. I wear them all the time when I’m travelling and often walk 25,000+ steps per day and never have sore feet. They’re by far the best pair of flats I’ve ever owned.


Okay. Technically, a virtual private network (VPN) isn’t something you physically packing, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t extremely important!

Disneyland Paris has free public wifi that you can connect to in the parks, which is amazing! You can use the Disneyland Paris app to check ride wait times, post on social media, and reviews menus to see where you want to eat.

I always connect to the free wifi at Disneyland Paris, but connecting to it also puts you at risk of having your data compromised.

Hackers love people who connect to public wifi networks because it is so easy to pop into their devices and steal their data and possibly sell it to people and advertisers.

A VPN protects you from those people!

It creates a security bubble around your device that prevents prying eyes from seeing your data and online activities!

You 100% need a VPN when you’re using any type of public wifi (including hotels and cafes)!

I love Nord VPN and trust it to protect all my devices.

You can connect up to 6 devices to one account, so you can easily protect all your devices (phones, tablets, laptops) with one account.

Plus Nord VPN often runs huge sales, so you can protect your data for just a few dollars a month. Seriously!

Nord VPN

Water Bottle

You’ll be walking all day at Disneyland Paris and will need to hydrate yourself throughout the day. You can purchased bottled water in the parks, but it is much better to have a reusable water bottle on your Disneyland Paris packing list!

This will save you tons of money if you’re travelling as a family and is much better for the environment! There are water fountains all over both Disneyland Paris parks, so it is easy to refill your water bottle throughout the day.

Glass water bottles are not allowed in the parks and will be confiscated during bag check! Be sure you bring a plastic or stainless steel water bottle!

Lip Chap

If you’re anything like me, your lips are constantly chapped, and you hoard lip chap like it is going out of style.

You don’t want to get stuck in Disneyland Paris without any lip chap. I’ve had to pay Disney prices for lip chap when I ran out, and it was three times more expensive than buying it at the drug store.

Learn from my mistake and make sure to add lip chap to your Disneyland Paris packing list. It seems like the sort of thing you always have lots of, but you’ll probably run out at the worst time and have to overpay for new lip chap at Disneyland Paris.

Disneyland Paris France A Complete Guide to Disneyland Paris Attractions


You’re outside in the sun all day while at Disney, so you need to make sure your skin is protected! Sunscreen should be on your packing list no matter where you’re going, and it is even more important at Disney.

I love and swear by this COSRX sunscreen. It is a Korean skincare brand, and I love all of their products but especially this sunscreen. I always feel so protected when I wear it, and it doesn’t leave that gross white/greasy layer on the top of your skin.

Your future self will thank you for taking care of your skin now so add sunscreen to your Disneyland Paris packing list. Then bold it and underline it, so you don’t forget!


You’re going to get hungry in the parks, and Disney food is expensive! You should put snacks on your Disneyland Paris packing list if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on food in the parks.

Carrying a few snack bars with you is the perfect way to get rid of that mid-day hunger when you’re not quite ready for a full meal.


This might just be me, but my hair always gets knotted and gross when I’m a Disney. It is a combination of sweat from being outside in the heat all day and going on thrill rides.

A few hours into a day at the parks, and my hair is a disaster in the back. I always pack a hairbrush in my Disney bag and end up using it mostly every day. I’m so thankful every time I pull my hairbrush out and look presentable again after using it!

I think my fellow longhaired people know exactly what I’m talking about!

Kleenex, Wet Wipes, and Hand Sanitizer

These are three essentials that need to be included on everybody’s Disneyland Paris packing list! Disney is full of germs, and you’ll want to keep your hands clean in the parks- especially when eating!

Carrying Kleenex, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer in your Disney bag will come in handy more often than you would think. You never know when you’re going to spill ice cream all over the place (guilty) or accidentally touch a sticky handrail (so gross).

Even if you’re totally fine with germs most of the time, Disney is a different animal, and the germs are everywhere!

Disneyland Paris France A Complete Guide to Disneyland Paris Attractions

Reusable Bag

Disney parks are always moving towards being more sustainable, and you don’t always get a plastic bag with your purchase anymore. I recommend putting a small, reusable bag on your Disneyland Paris packing list.

This way you’re able to forego the plastic bag and carry your souvenir purchases in an environmentally friendly bag. Reusable bags take up no room in your backpack, and you can easily put it back in your backpack with your purchases assuming they are small enough to fit in your backpack.

Reusable Straw

Disney parks are also transitioning away from providing single use plastic straws, so you either get a paper straw or no straw at all. You should considering bring a reusable straw with you to Disneyland Paris.

You’re able to get tiny travel reusable straws that are so small they easily fit in your pocket! The straw itself is full size, but it collapses into itself and is stored in a travel container that is about has long as your pinky finger!

They’re absolutely perfect for travelling with, and I take one everywhere I go!


It is sunny in Paris in the summer, so you’re going to need a hat to keep the sun off your face! Your hat will not only save you from getting a sunburn, but it will also prevent you from squinting all the time.

There are a lot of outdoor activities, sights, parades, and shows at Disneyland Paris. You’ll be outside looking at things for hours every day, so you’ll need something to help keep the sun out of your eyes and stop you from getting pre-mature crow’s feet.

Minnie Ears

Minnie ears are an adorable addition to any Disney outfit no matter what age you are! You can bring ears from home, but it is even more fun to buy new ears while at Disneyland Paris!

They’re the perfect souvenir to bring home, and you’ll love wearing them at Disney parks around the world and feel special knowing you got them in Paris.

Technically, this is more of a souvenir suggestion, but if you love Disney ears like me and like to wear a different pair each day, you may want to bring a few pairs from home as well!

Disneyland Paris Donal Duck 10 Travel Essentials

Disney Shirts

I love wearing Disney-themed shirts in the parks, and Disney t-shirts are always on my Disneyland Paris packing list! Disney shirts are super cute and a great way to show off your Disney style and support your favourite movies and television shows.

I like bringing my own Disney shirts from home rather than buying shirts at Disneyland Paris because I don’t care for having super branded and in-your-face Disney apparel.

I love that your’e able to get more subtle Disney shirts that can be worth both in the parks and casually around my hometown.

Pins to Trade

Pin trading is a popular hobby in most Disney parks, and Disneyland Paris is no exception! You can bring official Disney pins to Disneyland Paris and trade them with cast members and other guests.

It is a super fun way to get new Disney souvenirs and make great memories. Disneyland Paris also has a lot of unique pins that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. Even if you don’t go to Disneyland Paris with a pin collection, it is quite possible you’ll be coming home with one!

Please be cautious about fake pins. Some people purchase fake pins cheaply online and then trade them for authentic Disney pins in the parks. Do your research before you start pin trading and know what to look for in a fake pin!

Travel Insurance

It is important to always travel with travel insurance. You never know what can happen while travelling, and it would be terrible to have an accident and then be stuck with a large medical bill you can’t afford to pay.

Spending a small amount of money up front and buying travel insurance is the smart thing to do. It doesn’t cost you very much, but it can save you a lot of money in the long run.

I always have travel insurance when travelling, and it is one of the few areas of travel that I’m not willing to skimp on to save money.

Disneyland Paris Castle


Disneyland Paris is one of my favourite Disney parks in the world. I love it’s charm and unique attractions. While you may thing travelling to Disneyland Paris is like travelling to any other Disney park, there are a few things on your Disneyland Paris packing list that may not be on your normal Disney packing list.

The best part of this Disneyland Paris packing list is that everything on it is small enough that you can put it in one medium-sized backpack and not have to worry about carrying multiple bags.

You can enjoy your time in Disneyland Paris and not have to worry about anything else because you have everything you need in one bag!

The Ultimate Disneyland Paris Packing List